Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Birth of the DT

About seven months ago some friends and I went to our old stomping grounds to watch our alma mater play in the NCAA tournament. Our team, so close to the championship game, fell short and we felt there was nothing left to do but drink our sorrows away. Luckily for us the bar we were at had the wonderful invention, that which is the beer tower, a mini-keg of sorts with its very own spout. Seven beer towers later, a few shots, dollar drinks and a dance floor and a team was born. The drinking team to be exact.

Since then DT has recruited several members but only the originals have the shirts to prove it. We are like Girl Scouts gone wild. By day we camp, bake, grocery shop, play trivia and kickball all as a team. By night we drink, dance, and make no excuses for our behavior. It's become a cult following of sorts because everyone wants to know all our secrets, where we going, what we'll be up to next. Our bar recently reserved a table for us using an orange construction cone, which seems appropriate as we always seem to to be hard at work. However, I'm beginning to think they should've used caution tape instead because we stir up all the craziness at the bar and live through the drama that happens after. We may end up all over during the night but at closing time we come together as a team.

We've learned how to smell a bar fight. Know the DJs and bouncers by name. We know how to navigate to the nearest IHOP no matter how many drinks have been consumed. And we never turn down a free shot. There are probably people who think, they're not part of a team, they're just a bunch of girls who like to party. I beg to differ. DT is an idea that you wish you thought of first. The name will haunt you. If you've met us, part of you is always waiting for that moment of the night when the first one of us arrives. And if you haven't met us yet, then buckle your seatbelts, sit back and prepare yourself for the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.