Wednesday, November 18, 2009

hope it was good for you

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, so the saying goes. You smack me, I smack you. Is that how it goes? Usually, I leave it up to the hormone-driven males to go ballistic and start fights and we girls are left running our mouths and giving evil glares. But there are those girls out there that just can't hold their temper. Maybe I am one of them, but I think the trick is holding it just a second longer then the person that decides to take it to the next level and want to fight.

I've never hit anyone, but can't say I never would. But I do think twice. The reason being is that this isn't high school. I don't live in small town America anymore, where the cops all know us by name and yell at us to go home when we're out past our curfew. I live in green grass, suburban living where the cops show up and want to know what's been done and who's done it. And if that person is you, then you're going to have to pay.

On one hand, it does seem kind of silly. A person who's been violated should be able to do so back. No one else should be involved, not even the police. That's just not how it works. And the thing is, everyone knows that. They may not like it, but they know it. Maybe holding on that one second longer makes the 'hit' without hitting hurt that much more. Only God can judge, that's what we're told and that's what I believe. But I also believe in first impressions and definitely will form an opinion on people who reek ugly. And if you're the kind of person that without thinking, without being instigated to do so, results in unnecessary roughness then you just sealed your own fate. Because everyone knows, God does not like ugly.

So in the end, is it worth it? Maybe some fights are. Maybe someone makes you so mad, ran their mouths too much, that a smack to the face is worth all that follows, which includes the knowledge had you used your head for just a second and not been the first person to flinch, you might've been walking on the other side.

But once you set anger and frustration into motion, at times you might just wish that other person would've just grabbed you back, call it even and walk away. But if that other person sidesteps you, that just means you're still in motion and you don't have much control over when it will stop, if it stops at all.

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