Monday, September 17, 2007

This Isn't Once Upon a Time

Have you ever been dumped and have someone tell you, don't worry you'll find someone better and you know that the person who said this was trying to be supportive but it ended up making you feel more like shit? It's because you feel like an asshole for liking someone that ended up making you look like a fool or hurt your feelings or in the worse case scenario broke your heart. It's because although you might know you need to/can find someone better, you just might not be ready yet.

I had my crush of two months come to a screeching halt when I witnessed him full-on, drunkenly making out with what I'm assuming to be some random bar chick. I know, I know we've all been there making out with inappropriate people at inappropriate times but it annoyed me, bummed me out and more than that it prompted more than one of my friends to say, don't worry you'll find someone better. To me that's like saying, don't worry you could have, have done and will do again much worse than liking someone like him. Which sadly is true but, is it so bad that I still would like to have a crush on the boy?

One of my other friends wonders why I can't and I told her that while I still think he's cute, nice guy, blah, blah, whatever, he can't be a crush anymore. He's filed himself under You Know, That One Guy. I know that people aren't perfect, make mistakes, have flaws but I expect to see this after the crush phase, after a date, after something. It's like being told a fairy tale and then right in the middle saying that Cinderella arrives in her beautiful gown only to see Prince Charming grinding with her skanky stepsister.

Definitely a downer.

I'm guess I'm just reaching a point in my life where the hangovers seem harder to get over, all tolerance levels have decreased and my expectations have increased. This makes me feel old which in turn makes me feel tired. Too tired to try and find someone better. And really, isn't it his turn to find me? I know they say you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. But I say, don't you know frogs give you warts and once you get warts, stick a fork in it, you're done. And I'm sorry to say this but he probably got them from the skanky stepsister.

Son of a bitch.

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