Monday, August 20, 2007

Cheers to the PALS of America!

Parents teach their children, if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all. I say, if you can't say something nice, say it to my face. I am a big girl and though I still get hurt feelings, they usually don't come from strangers who find a need to take out their aggression in a Jerry Springer-like manner. I am not a fan of the passive-aggressive behavior that stems from some people's muttered comments, rolled eyes or even worse, anonymous emails laced with grammatically incorrect profanity. If you're going to insult me, at least keep it simple and exclude the triple negative of 'you no good, don't knower are nothing'. I mean c'mon, knife to my chest with that insult.

Typically speaking this type of behavior can be showcased by PALS (passive-aggressive losers), dramatics who like to stir up trouble for no other reason then they must not get cable or know how to read because their time is spent creating fake MySpace pages and sending anonymous emails. Let me say ladies, there are much better ways to spend ten minutes. You can shop. Read a magazine. Attend an anger management seminar. Also inevitably, these acts of cattiness seem to involve a guy who has been caught in the middle of a very odd love triangle, a triangle arranged by PAL. Either the girl is a strange admirer, jealous of the fact that you are dating her wannabe boyfriend or better yet the girl is your boyfriend's girlfriend too. Got that? I believe the madness stems from the fact that PAL has been kept in the dark about her boy's extracurriculars or the fact that her object of infatuation has absolutely no idea who she is and when he said 'hi' to her the other day it did not create a connection. At least not in his mind.

The point of the matter is what is the point? Anonymous, semi-threatening emails or phone calls are good for a laugh but don't evoke fear or whatever other emotion that the sender is hoping for. So I'm thinking, is this just an acting out of frustration or an inherent need for drama because either way, like I said, ten minutes there is so much more you can do. The problem stems from a level of insecurity that either needs to be taken up with the guy who is involuntarily involved or just left alone. I say go for the latter.

However, I appreciate you PALS for creating entertainment during a boring week. You make for good gossip and pure amazement that can only be enjoyed after experiencing a real life example of idiocy and desperation that has been concocted by you. So here's to you, you passive-aggressive, hot-headed crazies of America. Fuck you. There I said it. And it didn't even take ten minutes.

1 comment:

Little Miss Sunshine said...

Love it, CB. Your blog was so nice, I read it twice! Who knows if there will ever be an update for a Part II of PALS. I think the drafter o' triple negatives has left the building, a one and done, and probably feels no better for being a PAL.

Part of me still wonders if it's a "he" pretending to be a "she", after all, the name Amanda does hold a childish clue, "A man, duh." But the actual message screams 14 year old girl with roid rage.

A thought on all the name-calling. When is that appropriate? I would say, you can spew a string of explitives someone's way when a) they just tripped your mom b) they just threw a drink in your face c) they just stole your boyfriend


a) they saw you once b) they like your boyfriend c) they know someone who likes your boyfriend.

GOT IT???!!!


As always, looking forward to the next blog :-)